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Change A Life

Change A Life

Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County could not operate without your support. Our community partners help fund our initiatives, donate goods, provide pro-bono services, hire our graduates, refer participants to us, and much more.

Here’s How You Can Make An Impact

Donation Partner

Donate professional services, host a donation drive, donate retail inventory, become a donation drop-off partner.

Green Partner

Donate e-waste items, computers, CRT TV's, LCD Monitors, laptops, plasma TV's, portable DVD players with LCD screens.

Community Partner

Refer individuals to our programs and services, build your brand through special event and campaign sponsorships.

Employer Partner

Hire our program graduates and build your workforce with job-ready talent.

Running Start Partner

Support a Career path program and change a life.

    Create a Partnership To Help Change Lives

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    Want to impact your community? Donate to our jobs program here.

    Goodwill SOLAC Partners