Employment Services at the City of Long Beach Multi-Service Center (MSC) – Located at 1301 W. 12th Street in Long Beach CA, Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County provides life skills training and job placement services for people experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness. There are approximately 12 other service providers located at the MSC providing a variety of services including, but not limited to, housing, legal supports, health care, child care, and mental health services.
All referrals for Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County services must come through the MSC counselors. Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County’s life skills and employment preparation program is a 2 to 3 week combined program aimed at enhancing quality of life while creating balance in various areas. Once a job ready participant has successfully completed the Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County program, it is time to utilize the skills learned to work toward securing employment by attending Job Club.
To enroll in this program you must obtain a Referral Form from an MSC case manager and present the form to the Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County staff. For more information on Goodwill Southern Los Angeles County services contact 562-708-4990 or for general information on other MSC services contact 562-570-4500 to schedule an appointment. Click to View Flyer.